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UPDATED: 2/3/2008
Emigration Canyon UFO 1/14/2004 Framed 14x10 print
SIGHTINGS Photo / Video
12/22-23/07 Bountiful , Utah X
11/22-23/07 Clearfield, Utah
11/12/07 Midvale, Utah
11/04/07 Weber Canyon, Utah
11/05/07 Hatch, Utah
8/00/07 Salt Lake City, Utah X
7/08/07 Sandy, Utah X
7/00/07 Sandy, Utah
6/22/07 Murray, Utah X
6/18/07 Stansbury Park, Utah
4/14/07 Clearfield, Utah X
4/09/07 Salt Lake City, Utah
1/09/07 La Sal Utah, Utah
1/10/07 ST. GEORGE, Utah
1/25/07 Salt Lake City, Utah X
2/13/07 West Valley City, Utah
SIGHTINGS Photo/ Video
0/00/07 , Utah
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The information we provide is presented in the interests of open-minded scientific learning and the free exchange of research, ideas, and theories. UUFOH makes no specific claims or endorsements regarding any materials, views, or subject matter presented by our guests, reports, links, or other.
Gray Disk
Occurred : 1/25/2007 Time Of Sighting: 2:11 pm
Reported : 01/26/2007
Location of sighting: Salt Lake City, UT Small field south of Salt Lake City
Shape : Disk
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: YES
Describe: video cellphone Digital camera
Description of object /s : It was a grey disk in the distance. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but it moved very fast and we could see it for about 20 seconds. Then it just disappeared out of thin air. I can't explain how bizzare it was.
Sighting Event Details: I was so freaked out that we didn't really focus on the sighting. Sorry, but the video evidence is pretty bad because I took it on a video cellphone.
Phenomenon visible for how long? About 20 seconds.
Height / Altitude of Object: Maybe 300 ft. between 600ft.
Distance of Object from your Position: About 1/4 a mile.
Estimated Size of Object: About the size of a Boeing 747 long, and as wide as a 757.
Speed of object: 250 -500 mph
Hear Sound? YES Describe: Low rumble. Then when it disappeared it made what sounded to me like a sonic boom. Object solid? I couldn't really tell.
Noticed Object/s: Hover, Object was just seen
Object number Formation NO - Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: Power lines
Last Seen Direction of Object: 
Moving in front or behind: Clouds
# of Witness's: 13 (21 people were with us though) Just some people on a nearby highway. I think they saw the UFO also. Seen in vehicle? YES
Weather: Light Clouds
Animal disturbance?: Some cows in the field did seem to get scared. They ran back for about 10 seconds then stopped. It was obvious they were scared.
Seen before? Description of past experience:
Reported by: Dr. Marvin Brown - Age: 42 Occupation: Retired Pilot - Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also Reported to: Reported it to the local newspaper. I don't think they published it though.
Also No - I wish not to be contacted
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
Orange Light
Occurred : 1/10/2007 Time Of Sighting: 6:30 AM
Reported : 01/11/2007
Location of sighting: ST. GEORGE, Utah - County: WASHINGTON (OUTSIDE MY FRONT DOOR)
Shape : Light
Available videotape or photographic evidence?:
Description of object /s : ROUND LIGHT VERY BRIGHT AND LARGE.
Phenomenon visible for how long? ABOUT 5 SECONDS THE FIRST TIME, THEN ABOUT 5 SECONDS AGAIN.
Height / Altitude of Object: MAYBE A MILE HIGH
Distance of Object from your Position: BEST GUESS, WITHIN 5 MILES
Speed of object: 50 - 250 mph
Hear Sound? YES Object solid?
Noticed Object/s: Object was just seen
Object number Formation Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: None of the Above
Last Seen Direction of Object: SOUTH
Moving in front or behind:
# of Witness's: 1 Seen in vehicle? no
Weather: Clear/Calm
Seen before? Description of past experience: NO
Reported by: JADIE THORNHILL - Age:36 -Occupation:SECRETARY - Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
Pulsating Orb
Occurred : 1/9/07 Jan 7, 2007 Time Of Sighting: 2:30 a.m.
Reported : 1/09/07
Location of sighting: Liberty Valley Rd . - La Sal Utah - San Juan County
Shape : Sphere
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: ?
Description of object /s : The object appeared to be more of an "orb" shape which was not initially defined. I saw the object which I first thought was a star. The object became more defined as it appeared to get closer.
Sighting Event Details: I was laying in bed and awoke. My bedroom window faces south/southwest. Through vertical blinds I could see stars (it was very clear out). One star appeared to be larger then the others and moved quickly. I first thought it was an airplane but the movement was so odd I got up to see object without the vertical blinds obstruction. When I saw clearly, the object was an orb shaped and moved up and down in a zig zag formation. The orb also pulsated, it was unlike the twinkle of a star. It seemed to have a rythmic pulse to it's movement. It was VERY odd. This all occured about an hour and a half ago. I hope i am reporting this to the right people.
Phenomenon visible for how long? 3 minutes
Height / Altitude of Object: unknown
Distance of Object from your Position: over 3 miles
Estimated Size of Object: Hard to determine, ut definately larger then an aircraft or jet
Speed of object: 500 - 1000 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid? Y
Noticed Object/s: O
Object number Formation Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: None of the Above
Last Seen Direction of Object: object moved west or southwest
Moving in front or behind: Trees
# of Witness's: 1 Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Clear/Calm
Animal disturbance?: My dog was lying on my bed but seemed unaffected by my experience.
Seen before? Description of past experience: Once in the mid eighties I saw a series of 3 strange red lighted triangles in my neighborhood in northern NJ (morris county). This was unlike those lights.
Reported by: Dean Marshall - Age:36 Occupation:Resort Manager Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also I would like to be contacted by a support group
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.

bright object leaves green trail
Occurred :6/18/07 Time Of Sighting: 0515am
Reported : 0/0/07
Location of sighting: Stansbury Park, Utah County: tooele -West bound on SR-73 about mile marker 5-6 just about to ophir canyon turn
Shape : Other
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: no
Description of object /s : Was driving listening to a CD when a bright streak came into view in my windsheild. It was a bright white object that left a green streak/vapor trail behind it. It fell about half the distance of my windsheild emitted a burst of white sparks split into two sections then immediatly dissapeared. The whole thing happend over a space of 2-3 seconds.
Sighting Event Details: about 5:00am I was driving home from saratoga springs listening to a CD when a bright streak came into view in my windsheild. It was a bright white object that left a green streak/vapor trail behind it. It fell about half the distance of my windsheild emitted a burst of white sparks split into two sections then immediatly. dissapeared. The whole thing happend over a space of 2-3 seconds. I was around mile marker 5-6 on SR-73 by the Ophir turn off and north of the deseret chemical depot. It reminded me of a really bright falling star. It looked like it disapeared about 1500 feet above the ground.
Phenomenon visible for how long? 2-3 seconds
Height / Altitude of Object: 4-5000 feet
Distance of Object from your Position: 5-10 miles
Estimated Size of Object: Not sure it was very bright, guessing the brightest part was maybe 8-15feet roughly
Speed of object: 500 - 1000 mph
Hear Sound? NO I was in my car so I didn't hear anything. I pulled over and got out and didn't hear anything at that time Object solid? yes
Noticed Object/s: Emit smoke or vapor
Object number Formation Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: Military Base
Last Seen Direction of Object: straight down
Moving in front or behind: Clouds
# of Witness's: 0 Seen in vehicle? yes
Weather: Clear/Calm
Reported by: Steve B - Age:26 Occupation:EMT : Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information. Object was most likely a meteor almost impacting the ground. UUFOH
Jellyfish UFO Photographed?
Occurred : 4/14/07 Time Of Sighting: April 14th, 2007 between 6 and 6:30 PM
Reported : 4/20/2007
Location of sighting: Clearfield, Utah County: Davis
Shape : Jellyfish
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: YES
Describe: Digital camera
Description of object /s : my boys, ages 15 and 13 sighted the object and took one picture of it. They said it was moving like a jelly fish, with a fluid up and down motion. It was relatively fast moving and went up in the sky. It was traveling in a southwest motion. From what they could tell it was either black or greyish. No lights that they could see. It was far enough away to not notice any markings. My husband and I were not home at the time. Both boys accounts are the same.
Sighting Event Details: We were standing in our backyard, facing North, and looked up, Nick pointed it out, and saw a faint object floating in the sky. We noticed it was odd and moving in a way that we had not seen before, it did not look like a bird or airplane, or superman, but looked like a jellyfish moving thru the sky. Nate grabbed the camera, and was able to take one photo before it moved out of sight. We watched it go southward and then west. It was between 6 and 6:30 PM
Phenomenon visible for how long? a couple of minutes
Height / Altitude of Object: hard to tell, pretty high, possibly higher than a plane would fly. But it still seemed big
Distance of Object from your Position: maybe less than a mile, but hard to tell
Estimated Size of Object: LARGE, ok this is two teenage boys trying to guestimate. About this size of a large airplane, taller than an airplane and not as long...kind of the shape of a jelly fish
Speed of object: 50 - 250 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid? yes
Noticed Object/s: Change shape, Other
Object number Formation Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: Military Base
Last Seen Direction of Object: southwest of Clearfield, heading skyward
Moving in front or behind: None
# of Witness's: 2 Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Clouds
Reported to:no...just our parents
Reported by: Cheryl Polson - Age:39 Occupation:teacher: Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to have my photographic evidence analyzed
UUFOH Note: Left contact information. needs follow up.
decending light
Occurred : 4/9/07 Time Of Sighting: 1:26 am
Reported : 04/09/2007
Location of sighting: Salt Lake City, Utah - In sky outside of window above approx. around mid valley.
Shape : Light
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: Object was just seen
Description of object /s : An extremely bright light, brighter than any other city light. It looked to be higher than the wasatch mountains, I was emptying water in my glass and looked up and saw the light descend and went from sky to what looked like the ground or near ground in 1-2 secs.
Sighting Event Details: It was a calm night with the city lights twinkling as usual. I was thirsty and moved into kitchen to get some water. Glass had a little water as usual,old though to me. I bent over to dump it and the light occured as i was about to draw water from the fridge.
Phenomenon visible for how long? 1-2 secs.
Height / Altitude of Object: ? higher than mountains
Distance of Object from your Position: mile?
Estimated Size of Object: You know how city lights on the other side of the valley appear, it was larger than than those,2-3 times bigger.
Speed of object: 250 -500 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid? yes
Noticed Object/s: Move erratically
Object number Formation Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: None of the Above
Last Seen Direction of Object: down ward slighty north/east
Moving in front or behind: Trees
# of Witness's: me as far as i know Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Clear/Calm
Decription of effects: Now I can't think occasionally feeling dizzy, probably just shock as well as cause of sweaty hands.
Reported by: Anon P - Age:14 Occupation:Sweeper : Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also No - I wish not to be contacted
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
Hovering Light
Occurred : 02/13/07 Time Of Sighting: 1130 pmish
Reported : 3/10/07
Location of sighting: West Valley City, Utah ( my backyard)
Shape : Light
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: no
dont have one right now
Description of object /s : Light that rose up from behind the mountains towards tooele, moved very awkwardly, just one bright light, almost looked like a meteorite except moving up from down and moving side to side, was hovering around me for about 10 seconds or so, almost appeared to be a sphere with only 1 light, then all of a sudden just blasted across the sky, no sound, just moved at a pace that is not normal
Sighting Event Details: was outside smoking a cigarrete late at night, not under the influence of any drugs/alcohol
Phenomenon visible for how long? 10 seconds or so
Height / Altitude of Object: probably about 400-500 feet off the ground
Distance of Object from your Position: hard to say
Estimated Size of Object: same as previous anwer,
Speed of object: 1000 - 3000 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid?
Noticed Object/s: Object was just seen, Move erratically
Object number Formation NO - Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: None of the Above
Last Seen Direction of Object: headed west
Moving in front or behind: Mountain
# of Witness's: 1 Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Clear/Calm
Seen before? Description of past experience: Yes, ive seen many things in my life that I can explain, but never seem to have a camera, went and bought a new camera so hopefully I can catch a pic some time
Reported by: Chris V - Age:22, Occupation: Collections: Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also No - I wish not to be contacted
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
NEW UFO Photographed in Sandy?
Occurred : 7/08/07 Time Of Sighting: 8 p.m.
Reported : 0/0/07
Location of sighting: Hidden Valey Park , Sandy Utah County: Salt Lake
Shape : Disk
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: YES
Describe: Digital camera - Object was not seen
Description of object /s : I did not see anyting when I took the picture. When downloaded pictures to my computer I saw the object on picture.
Sighting Event Details: I did not see anyting when I took the picture. When downloaded pictures to my computer I saw the object on picture.
Phenomenon visible for how long? unknown
Height / Altitude of Object: unknown
Distance of Object from your Position: unknown
Estimated Size of Object: unknown
Speed of object: 0 - 50 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid? NO
Noticed Object/s: Other
Object number Formation NO - Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: Church or Temple
Last Seen Direction of Object:
Moving in front or behind: None- (tree?)
# of Witness's: one Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Clear/windy
Seen before? Description of past experience: NO
Reported by: Yuri Evtuhov - Age:39 Occupation: baker: Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information. Hi Res photo has been obtained for analysis .
Cloaked Triangle?
Occurred : 7/00/07 Not sure of the date. Sometime early July Time Of Sighting: 1:47 a.m.
Reported : 11/08/07
Location of sighting: Sandy, Utah My front lawn in Sandy
Shape : Triangle
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: NO
Description of object /s : Dark and shadowy. Looked almost like a paraglider and was only visible from a certain angle. Just seemed to disappear if you stood up.
Sighting Event Details: Me and my friend were laying on my lawn talking when I was a shadow in the sky. I stood up to see it more clearly but it was not visible when I stood up. I could only see it by looking from a certain angle almost as if it was invisible. My friend had briefly seen it too. It was completely silent and had no lighting.
Phenomenon visible for how long? 15 seconds
Height / Altitude of Object: I would assume anywhere from 250 to 400 feet
Distance of Object from your Position: Really close. Maybe a mile away possibly less.
Estimated Size of Object: Maybe bigger than a fighter jet
Speed of object: 50 - 250 mph
Hear Sound? NO Describe sound- It was completely silent and no lights Object solid?
Noticed Object/s: Other
Object number Formation Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: None of the Above
Last Seen Direction of Object: Headed east and then proceeded south 
Moving in front or behind: None
# of Witness's: Just one more Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Clear/Calm
Seen before? Description of past experience: NO
Reported by: Anonymous in Sandy - Age:17 Occupation: Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.

NEW Glowing Sphere & Glowing Green Light
Occurred : 11/22-23/07 Time Of Sighting: about 5 & 5:15 PM and about 6:45 AM going north on the 15 freeway to the east, approx clearfield area.
Reported : 11/29/07
Location of sighting: Clearfield, Utah County: Weber To the east of me and quite high as I was getting on to the 21st St. entrance to the 15 freeway south. About 10-15 later southbound on the 15 coming out of a canyon in the Farmington area heading west. On my way home from work going north on the 15 to the east approx Syracuse area.
Shape : Disk
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: NO
Describe: Object was just seen
Description of object /s : 1. The first one was what seemed to be a glowing silverish sphere just floating to my west. I saw it as I was going west on 21st St towards the 15 south on-ramp. I kept it in sight for about 2-3 minutes trinagulating its position with a phone pole and phone lines. It moved around seemingly diagonally and in a circular path. I lost sight of it when I turned and got on the freeway. 2. About fifteen minutes later I saw a brilliant white light just materialize going west at a moderate rate of speed from what looked like the canyon above Farmington/Kaysville. I tried to keep it in sight for as long as I could, glanced at the road for about half a second and it was completely gone. 3. Coming home from work in the dark going northbound on the 15 in the clearfield area at about 6:45 am I saw a glowing green light just pop out of nowhere, change colors to a glowing white and simply disappear.
Sighting Event Details: Green/white light seen approx over Hill Field to the west of the 15 freeway.
Phenomenon visible for how long? half a minute to approx 3-4 min.
Height / Altitude of Object: Hard to judge
Distance of Object from your Position: 1-5 miles possibly
Estimated Size of Object: The silver sphere was about the size of a silver dollar from where I was on 21st St. The lights were about the size of 
Speed of object: 50 - 250 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid? NO
Noticed Object/s: Change color
Object number Formation YES - More than one object
Seen in vicinity of: Military Airfield
Last Seen Direction of Object: see above
Moving in front or behind: Mountain
# of Witness's: 1 Seen in vehicle? YES
Weather: Clear/Calm
Seen before? Description of past experience: Yes, a cigar shaped orange object over Edwards Airforce Base, Calif. the night before the 1st test flight of the Space Shuttle lasting about 10 minutes at approx 2am. From where I was, in the town of Boron about 8 miles from the base, it was about 2 inches long. It hovered, flew straight up and down and other erratic patterns then just disappeard at an unbleivable rate of speed.
Reported by: Deborah J - Age: 55 Occupation: Respiratory Therapist : Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
Large Sparkling Light
Occurred : 11/12/07 Time Of Sighting: not sure, around 10:00 to 11:00 PM
Reported : 11/13/2007
Location of sighting: Midvale, Utah
Shape : Light
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: NO
Description of object /s : Large sparkling light about 1/5 the size of the moon hovering by the West Mountains north of Bingham Canyon near Tooele. It was very bright yellow light that sparkled on the edges almost looking light it was changing shape. then slowly spread in a very fluid motion apart into 6 smaller lights spacing evenly apart and moving north. Then just disappeared in midair.
Sighting Event Details: My wife and I where going outside our home. My wife noticed the lights above our neighbors roof. I looked to where she was pointing and saw a bright sparkling light I would guess it was about 1/5 the size of the moon hovering by the West Mountains north of Bingham Canyon near Tooele. then slowly spread apart into 6 or so smaller lights spacing evenly apart and moving north. Then just disappeared in midair.
Phenomenon visible for how long? I noticed it for 20 seconds
Height / Altitude of Object: about 500 to 1000 feet
Distance of Object from your Position: about 30 miles
Estimated Size of Object: 1/5 size of moon
Speed of object: 250 -500 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid?
Noticed Object/s: Hover, Object released another object
Object number Formation Formation was observed
Seen in vicinity of: Commercial Airfield
Last Seen Direction of Object: going north
Moving in front or behind: None
# of Witness's: 1 Seen in vehicle? NO Noticed: Power Failure
Weather: Clear/Calm
Reported by: Ryan B - Age:35 Occupation: Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also No - I wish not to be contacted
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
Bright Blue light
Occurred : 11/04/07 Time Of Sighting: 11pm
Reported : 11/05/07
Location of sighting: Weber Canyon, Utah
Shape : Light
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: NO
Description of object /s : very bright Blue light seen hovering over hill-top, north west of my location. Light bobbed and weaved, left to right, up and down, did loops and right angle turns in an "L" shape. Very quick movements. The object was farther away than the crest of the hill but it appeared to be hovering over hill, anywhere from 1/2 inch (at distance) to a full inch (at distance)the disappeared behind hill and reappeared. Observed this object for about 5 minutes, until it disappeared behind hill.
Phenomenon visible for how long? 5-10 minutes
Height / Altitude of Object: 1/2 inch to 1 inch over hill
Distance of Object from your Position: 5 miles?
Estimated Size of Object: object could be covered by my finger held at arms length.
Speed of object: 500 - 1000 mph
Hear Sound? NO
Noticed Object/s: Move erratically
Object number Formation Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: Resevior / lake / river
Last Seen Direction of Object: North West of home in Weber Canyon
Moving in front or behind: Mountain
# of Witness's: 3 Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Clear/Calm
Seen before? Description of past experience:
Reported by: KW - Age:39 Occupation: self Employed : Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
UFOs Videotaped over Bountiful
Occurred : 12/22/07 12/23/07 Time Of Sighting: 11:00 PM
Reported : 12/24/07
Location of sighting: Bountiful, Utah
Shape : Other
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: Yes
Describe: Video camera
Description of object /s : Rectangular, translucent with 3 spinning orange lights in the middle. Total of 3 hovering objects the first night and one the next night.
Sighting Event Details: The first night, 12/22/07, there were 3 lights to the west over the GSL at about 30 degrees up from the horizon in a triangle that just sat there for about 5 minutes, then the top one cruised off to the north and after a few more minutes the other two slowly moved to the north and then they all dissapeared. THEN the next night 12/23/07 at about 11pm, I saw another stationary light to the north at about 40 degrees up from the horizon. Any ideas?? I was able to get video of the three on the first night. I have an observatory in my backyard and I hurried out there and threw the roof open and I got one of my telescopes on one of the lights and it looked like a big square translucent parachute type thing with 3 spinning orange lights in the middle, and it kinda looked like it was shooting off embers or something wierd. I have searched the news and web for any events that may have been happening, but I cant find anything about them.
Phenomenon visible for how long? 5 minutes
Height / Altitude of Object: Not sure
Distance of Object from your Position: 10 miles or less
Estimated Size of Object: Not sure
Speed of object: 50 - 250 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid? YES
Noticed Object/s: Hover
Object number Formation Formation YES - More than one object
Seen in vicinity of: Commercial Airfield
Last Seen Direction of Object: West, North 
Moving in front or behind: None
# of Witness's: Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Light Clouds
Seen before? Description of past experience: NO
Reported by: Jon Henderson - Age:35 Occupation: Photographer Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Reported to: I asked in my astronomy forum if anybody saw anything strange in the sky on those nights.
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
VIDEO: Here is a link to my video. It isn't that high of quality, but you will get an idea. Let me know what you think!

Metallic Triangle
Occurred : Aug 10, 11, 12 & Nov 5, 2007 Time Of Sighting: 11-12PM
Reported : 11/13/2007
Location of sighting: Hatch, Utah County: Kane
Shape : Triangle
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: NO
Description of object /s : large with metallic body, slowly rotating, not moving, with brilliant blinking stobe lights of several colors. Appeared several evenings. Neighbors called to verify. At least 10 witnesses confirmed sighting. Then reappeard again over eastern sky in November.
Sighting Event Details: as stated above, the object was not moving, but observed rotating slowly.Observed with high powered field binoculars, and could identify metallic shape body. Definate on off bright colored stobes. Hard to define the shape. Several people observed same. Reported to Panguich Police Dept. No follow up. Appeared to be over Area 51 in general, but not sure.
Phenomenon visible for how long? over two hours
Height / Altitude of Object: too hard to define
Distance of Object from your Position: Several hundred miles
Estimated Size of Object: ?
Speed of object: 0 - 50 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid?
Noticed Object/s: Hover
Object number Formation NO - Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: None of the Above
Last Seen Direction of Object: looking south west
Moving in front or behind: Mountain
# of Witness's: Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Clear/Calm
Reported to:Panguich Police Dept
Reported by: Paul G - Age:69 Occupation: Consultant, Registered Engineer: Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
Egg Shaped UFO
Occurred : 8/0/07 Time Of Sighting: 3 PM + -
Reported : 11/21/2007
Location of sighting: Salt Lake City, Utah County: Salt lake
Shape : Sphere
Available videotape or photographic evidence?: YES
Describe: Digital camera
Description of object /s : An oblong object seemed to glisten in the middle giving the impression of the being of being an egg shaped. It had a slight gold tint to it similar in color to the standard gold Toyota Camerys except where it glistened in white. Could have been the size of a car, or a 30'trailor truck at a great distance away. You could only make it out if you were looking up in the sky at the right place.
Sighting Event Details: I first noticed the object when I was staring at some clouds, North west from 3rd west 3rd south area of SLC, about 35 to 45 degrees above the horizon, I would guess the object would be located directly above the north end of the International airport. I had two other coworkers come and verify what I was looking at was real. I took a couple of photographs with a digital camera, but nothing came out. Maybe it was too far away, don't know, It was small but I didn't think that small to not show up on a camera. Picture even blown up it was grainy but I still could see any thing. the object soon became smaller and round in shape after ten or fifteen minutes, I went to get my partner to show him by then it was gone. During that time, it remained stationary with some clouds around it, with it in the blue sky background.
Phenomenon visible for how long? fifteen minutes
Height / Altitude of Object: mile to two miles, three ? 
Distance of Object from your Position: one to two miles, three ?
Estimated Size of Object: Guessing the size of a car or 30' trailer truck a long ways off, may be a mile or two, very small. You could only see it if you were looking in the right direction.
Speed of object: 0 - 50 mph
Hear Sound? NO Object solid?
Noticed Object/s: Hover
Object number Formation NO - Only one object
Seen in vicinity of: Commercial Airfield
Last Seen Direction of Object: Stationary,
Moving in front or behind: None
# of Witness's: 2 + self Seen in vehicle? NO
Weather: Light Clouds
Seen before? Description of past experience:
Reported by: Bruce A - Age: 55 Occupation: Architect : Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.
NEW UFO Videotaped Murray, UT
I shot them from my Murray home on June 22, 2007. the time was 7:20pm-7:22pm
I used a sony dsc h9 digital camera.
I am not happy with the degraded quality on google video.
if you like, i can always put them on a dvd and mail them.
you have my permission to post them on aliendave.com
Joe Stewart
Occurred : 1/0/07 Time Of Sighting:
Reported : 0/0/07
Location of sighting:
Shape :
Available videotape or photographic evidence?:
Description of object /s :
Sighting Event Details:
Phenomenon visible for how long?
Height / Altitude of Object:
Distance of Object from your Position:
Estimated Size of Object:
Speed of object:
Hear Sound? NO Object solid?
Noticed Object/s:
Object number Formation Only one object
Seen in vicinity of:
Last Seen Direction of Object: 
Moving in front or behind: None
# of Witness's: Seen in vehicle? NO
Seen before? Description of past experience:
Reported by: JL - Age:36 Occupation: Via UUFOH Online UFO Report Form
Also YES
I would like to be contacted by an investigator
UUFOH Note: Left contact information.